Shun Evil, or Be Swept Away (1 Samuel)

Throughout the ages, nations have risen only to be swept away. A country that stays in tune with God prospers and does well; however, any country that fails to follow God’s commandments will face destruction.             It is clear that if a nation persists in doing evil, that country will […]

Successful as Judges; Failure as Parents (1 Samuel)

Samuel served the Lord beautifully as had Aaron (the first Priest) and Eli but all three men were workaholics and failed to discipline their sons. Learn from these Priest’s mistakes and prioritize parenting. Train your children in the ways they should go and discipline them when necessary. Always praise good […]

Always Obey God! (1 Samuel)

Hannah sowed good seeds when she gave Samuel to Eli, but Eli sowed bad seeds when he failed to discipline and teach his two sons to obey their Heavenly Father. Therefore, God sent a prophet to Eli and gave him the consequences his family would suffer for disobeying God. His […]

You Reap What You Sow (1 Samuel)

We all reap what we sow, be it good or bad.  Hannah gave Samuel to the Lord’s work and he assisted Eli his entire life. It took many years of prayer before Hannah gave birth to Samuel. Yet after she so graciously gave Samuel to Eli, the Lord blessed her […]

Dedicate Your Children to the Lord (1 Samuel)

Like Hannah dedicated Samuel to the Lord, each of us should dedicate each of our children to the Lord as well.  Pray that each child will seek a personal relationship with the Lord and will discover a way to serve Him. Remember to nurture your children spiritually. As children walk […]

God Hears a Mother’s Prayer (1 Samuel)

The story of Hannah is a beautiful story of a woman who longed for a child. For years she prayed that God would give her a child. The day finally arrived and what did she do, she raised the boy until he became old enough to return him to the […]

God’s Help Is Only a Prayer Away (Judges)

             After Joshua died without a mentor to lead Israel, the country drifted away from God. This godless society continued for 350 years. Periodically a judge would bring Israel back to their Heavenly Father and then the country would again drift away. When times were really bad, Israel would pray […]